Placement Diaries

It was just another day of the placement season. Although, the actual interviews were almost a month ahead, the grilling and gruelling tsts were breaking the backs of most of the IITians, full of ambition and enthusiasm, but not so full of aptitude and knowledge. Tests came and gone and many of them counted the number of applications left out of the magical number of 40. Although it was not that big a deal, it drilles huge wholes in ones confidence at getting a good job this season.

Facebook and gmail status changed everyday, with the use of brackets and colons increasing rather than the alphabets. The smallness of the fuss people created and the anxiety people were filled with, everyone who was not shrtlisted already in any of the consulting companies thought that the world was over and everyone was applying from everywhere to anywhere. Core companies had not yet opened and visited the campus, usually the unfavourite choice of the engineers of IITD.

In such a scenario, I was once asked by some junior as to how is the placement going and what was the scene this time. I just smiled and said that it had a lot of problems. The graveness of the answer and the smile that followed clearly summed up the situation. The graveness indicated the frustration and the smile indicated the reason behind it. A 7 pointer was doing far greater than any 6.95, a troubling fact for the ones who screwed up in some course in some semester. Probably this is the time when people start to hate each other. Probably this is the time when the cracks break wide open. Perhaps, this is the time when the true colors start to show. Perhaps this is the time when I think myself better and the other worse. Perhaps this is the time when I console others on their face and laugh at them when alone. Parhaps this is the time when friends become just friends.

You come to IIT to get a good job. But you dont come out of it with the same. Awesome becomes aweful. Perhaps thinking is a sin, too much thinking definitely is. But, not thinking is the biggest one.


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